Implementing #autocomplete in Drupal 8 with Custom Callbacks

 Autocomplete on text fields like tags / user & node reference helps improve the UX and interactivity for your site visitors, In this blog post I'd like to cover how to implement autocomplete functionality in Drupal 8, including implementing a custom callback

Step 1: Assign autocomplete properties to textfield

As per Drupal Change records, #autocomplete_path has been replaced by #autocomplete_route_name and #autocomplete_parameters for autocomplete fields ( More details --

The very first step is to assign appropriate properties to the textfield:

1: '#autocomplete_route_name':

2: for passing route name of callback URL to be used by autocomplete Javascript Library.

3: '#autocomplete_route_parameters':

4: for passing array of arguments to be passed to autocomplete handler.

Thats all! for adding an #autocomplete callback to a textfield. 

However, there might be cases where the routes provided by core might not suffice as we might different response in JSON or additional data. Lets take a look at how to write a autocomplete callback, we will be using using my_module.autocomplete route and will pass arguments: 'name' as field_name and 10 as count.

Step 2: Define autocomplete route

Now, add the 'my_module.autocomplete' route in my_module.routing.yml file as:

While Passing parameters to controller, use the same names in curly braces, which were used while defining the autocomplete_route_parameters. Defining _format as json is a good practice.

Step 3: Add Controller and return JSON response

Finally, we need to generate the JSON response for our field element. So, proceeding further we would be creating AutoCompleteController class file at my_module > src > Controller > AutocompleteController.php.

We would be extending ControllerBase class and would then define our handler method, which will return results. Parameters for the handler would be Request object and arguments (field_name and count) passed in routing.yml file. From the Request object, we would be getting the typed string from the URL. Besides, we do have other route parameters (field_name and Count) on the basis of which we can generate the results array. 

An important point to be noticed here is, we need the results array to have data in 'value' and 'label' key-value pair as we have done above. Then finally we would be generating JsonResponse by creating new JsonResponse object and passing $results.

That's all we need to make autocomplete field working. Rebuild the cache and load the form page to see results.

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