TCS , WIPRO, HCL, Capgemini Drupal Interview Questions

What are advantages of Drupal

What are disadvantages of Drupal

Difference between Drupal 7 and 8

How to connect multiple database to Drupal

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MySql Interview questions and answers for freshers

What are the render arrays in Drupal

Drupal Nodes

Drupal Views

Drupal 8 theming concepts

How does cache works

How to improve performance of Drupal

What are the functionalities and usage of the Paragraph Module

Types of Cache in Drupal

Drupal 8 Cache tags

Conditional Filters in Drupal

How can I enable clean URLs in Drupal

Difference between Drupal 8 and Drupal 9

What is Drupal weight

Use of Composer in Drupal 8

What is DRUSH in Drupal

composer.json v/s composer.lock

What are the Events in Drupal

Twig Filters

PDO in Drupal

Hooks in Drupal

Git command to commit a code

Where session are store

Drupal routing

Views tpl

How to create a tpl for a particular content type in Drupal

Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 set cookie and get cookie example with symphony HttpFoundation Component

Use of template.php

How to theme a form in Drupal

What are contextual filters

Pathauto Module functionalities and usage

What are exposed filter in Views

What is taxonomy and Vocabulary in Drupal

What is hook_menu(), page arguments, page callback etc

Difference between Entity Query and DB (Database) Query.

What is Git

How to create a branch in Git

How to add JavaScript and CSS to Drupal

Can you explain how the database system of Drupal works

Which design pattern is used by Drupal

     Singleton Design pattern

What is design pattern

What is a render array in Drupal

Difference between UNIQUE and PRIMARY key

What is the difference between InnoDB and MyISAM

Which database engine used by Drupal

How to add a new field to user account? How to validate the same

How do I declare a new template file in my Drupal 8 theme

Drupal Page Call Process

Drupal Migrate from 8 to 9

What is services in drupal 8

 Dependency Injection

PHP annotations

How to create custom token

Disable cache for a block in Drupal 8

Batch Process in Drupal 8

Custom Batch Process Drupal 8 and Drupal 9

Drupal migration 7 to 8

What are environmental (.env) files

Contextual filter

What is Drupal queue

What is an entity queue

How do I create a queue in Drupal 8

Static Functions , Method and Static Variables in PHP

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Write a program in PHP to reverse a number

A number can be written in reverse order. For example 12345 = 54321 <?php   $ num = 23456;   $ revnum = 0;   while ($ num > 1)   {   $...