Difference between array_merge() and array_combine() in PHP

array_combine(keys, values)

suppose we have two array, one array contain Name and another array contain age- and we want to create single array with name and age-

so in this case we use array combine - 

a - $fname=array("Ali","Aslam","Raj");
b - $age=array("35","37","43");

Defination - 

array_combine() is used to creates a new array by using the key of one array as keys and using the value of other array as values. One thing to keep in mind while using array_combine() that number of values in both arrays must be same.




Result - 

Array ( [Ali] => 35 [Aslam] => 37 [Raj] => 43 )

array_merge(array1, array2, array3, ...)

The array_merge() function merges one or more arrays into one array.

If two or more array elements have the same key, the last one overrides the others.


Result - 

Array ( [a] => red [b] => yellow [c] => blue )

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